The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom – Aristotle
- Debt Recovery
- Loan recovery & Foreclosure proceedings
- Debt Recovery for Goods Sold & Delivered
- Immigration Law
- Citizenship, social visit pass, permanent residence
- Bankruptcy litigation /Discharge /Annulments
- Libel, Slander and Defamation
- Judgment Debtor Summon
- Injunction & Declaration
- Stay of Execution/Proceeding
- Family Matters
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Adoption
- Tort -Negligence claim, Trespass & Nuisance
- Insurance claim, Accident claim
- Winding up proceedings
- Execution Proceedings
- Seizure Sale, Distress
- Letters of Administration
- Vacant Possession
- Grant of Probate
- De Bonis Non
- Vesting Order
- Criminal Defence
- Management Corporation
- Land Recovery
- Land Lord/Tenant
- Company related matters